Mac – Time Machine did not back up because FileVault was encrypting or decrypting a disk. Backups will resume once FileVault finishes


As of yesterday, Time Machine has stopped making backups because it thinks that FileVault is encrypting or decrypting a disk. It's not. In fact, FileVault has never even been switched on!

I've tried…

  1. Rebooting
  2. Resetting PRAM
  3. Resetting SMC
  4. Checking fdesetup – it confirms that FileVault is turned off
  5. Repairing system and backup disks with Disk Utility

So far no joy with any of the above. I'm reluctant to turn FileVault on and off again, because I understand it can take days to encrypt and decrypt in the background. I'm also reluctant to clean install, because this problem is making me question if my backup really is clean.

BTW, I'm running 10.14.4, so I'm fully up to date.

Any thoughts?

Best Answer

I took a look at the system messages in the console, and it looked like backupd was having issues accessing some system parameters in an unnamed local file. Anyway, I ran the daily, weekly and monthly maintenance scripts and slept on it, and in the morning everything was magically ok! No idea if running the scripts was the solution, but all's well that ends well.

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