Mac – the recommended way of cloning virtual machines in VirtualBox

virtual machinevirtualboxvirtualization

Is there any recommended way of cloning virtual machines in VirtualBox? I would like to install an Operating System and then make several clones of that one. I have tried with export and import appliance but I have got some problems doing it that way. See Internet connection fails in Ubuntu on VirtualBox when virtual machine is created from “Import appliance”

I have now also tried VBoxManage clonehd, but I got the same problems as when I exported the appliance. The machine gets no IP-address.

Best Answer

I have used the vboxmanage command to clone drives and it has worked fine for me. If you are running the machine in bridged network mode on the same machine, perhaps the two virtual machines are competing for the network card somehow.

I would troubleshoot like this:

  • Let the original virtual machine configuration use the new hard drive file, and try to boot only that machine. (Change the "storage" and use the new, cloned disk image instead of the original one).

If this works then you know it's not a problem with the virtual drive, it's the virtual machine config.

If that turns out to be the case you can try this:

  • Verify that the two virtual machines have different MAC addresses (Under "advanced" in the network settings for the VM).

  • Let both machines run in NAT mode.

  • Enable an extra network card on the new virtual machine and see if that gets an IP-address.

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