Mac – Sharing Internet from a hotspot through a Mac to an AirPort Extreme


First of all, I know that I am trying to do something that is not a good idea 😉 However, my situation demands it.

I am trying to set up a network with an AirPort Extreme router for both Wi-Fi and Ethernet devices (1 PC, a few MacBooks, 1 copier, 1 printer), and pipe internet into the router from a Verizon MiFi 5620L Hotspot. I cannot pull Ethernet from the hotspot, only wireless.

I attempted to pick up the wireless on a Mac mini I have, then set up internet sharing, and feed it out the Ethernet port on the mini to the AirPort Extreme router.

I had it all working (all devices connected on the AirPort Extreme network) for awhile, and then it crashed, I can't get it up again and I do not know how to set the IP ranges, etc. correctly on the Mac mini (both wireless and Ethernet connections) and the AirPort Extreme router.

Should they be totally different ranges? Is the Mac mini the router for the AirPort Extreme internet connection?

Any help appreciated. I need a fix today and for a few weeks until I get a hard line to this office.


Best Answer

Yes, the address ranges should all be different. The MiFi will be the router for the Mac mini, the mini should get its upstream address via DHCP via Wi-Fi from the MiFi, the AirPort Extreme should get its upstream address via DHCP via Ethernet from the Mac mini. The AirPort Extreme should be in bridge mode (NAT off), because the Mac mini would already be doing NAT and DHCP for everything downstream of it.

I don't think you can easily adjust the IP address range that a Mac running Internet Sharing gives out, and I think it gives you 192.168.2.x/24 (note the 2) by default, so make sure the MiFi is not using that range.

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