MacOS – mac mini(2010) can not bootup


I have an old mac mini (2010 type)
memory has been upgraded to 4M
hard disk 110g used, 2g free left
yesterday when I reboot the mac mini
it always displayed the small circle then shutdown automatically.
I try to press key 'shift' to enter safe mode
enter image description here

but result is same, it shutdown automatically after 2,3 minutes, there is no logon window display.

I try to press key 'Option' to enter 'disk utility'.

enter image description here

verifying the disk also failed.

enter image description here

Your comment welcome

Best Answer

From comments...

You might get better results plugging the drive into a USB enclosure & trying to access it on another machine. Your disk is critically full & the machine is probably having great difficulty finding enough room to play with when it's running repairs.

based on the OP's ... "hard disk 110g used, 2g free"

& from MMB's comment -
Here's an iFixit guide to removing the HD, if you decide to go that route.

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