Mac – How to populate information from one sheet to another in Excel Workbook

macrosmicrosoft excelvbavlookupworksheet-function

My current task is to create a formula where my information from one sheet will auto populate in another sheet when the product description is copied.

To be specific, we need to have the items listed as (ACCESSORIES) under the (Part Type) setting on the Parts Download Sheet populate the (ACCESSORIES) section of the Region Information sheet which consists of columns: AQ & BI.

The idea is to copy the description from column (B) from Parts Download Sheet and have it populate the price from column (G) in Parts Download sheet, to Column (BI) in Region Information sheet.

I've added screenshots:

How can this be done? Is this a Vlookup formula or Macros code issue?

Screenshot 1

Best Answer

From what I can understand, the following VLookup formula, placed in cell BI11 and dragged downwards should gather the data you require:


Changing the row numbers as required.

To explain the arguments of VLOOKUP in simple terms:


LookupCell is the cell you want to compare to, in your case, the description

SearchRange is the group of cells you want to search for. The first column of this must be the set of rows you want to search for.

ColumnIndex is the index of your search range with the data you want back. In your case, the column was the 6th column of your search range

LazyMatch is a true or false for whether the LookupCell must match 100%. If true, it doesn't, if false, it must be identical.

Hope this helps!

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