Mac – How to one-handed work in Emacs be eased


My right hand is temporarily immobilized and I would like to do some minor work in Emacs, mostly in Org-mode, but also in AUCTeX. Are there ways to ease one-handed work in Emacs, such as some mode or particular work flow? For instance I noticed that for undoing it is easier to press C-x u than C-_ and that it is easier to mark text with methods involving C-Space than with combinations of S- and movement commands.

I have found but that is not exactly what I am asking for. I want to ease whatever little time spent one-handed in Emacs (not in any program) and this is also interesting for situations where there is no injury involved, such as when one hand is occupied. I do realize that I should avoid unnecessary strain.

I am using GNU Emacs 23.3.1 in Ubuntu 11.04.

Best Answer

Sticky keys can help. I use them even with two hands, because they put less strain on your hands when pressing complex key combos. The main advantage of sticky keys is that you don't have to press all the keys of complex shortcut at the same time. So when you press C-x C-c you can do it by pressing Ctrl, releasing it, then pressing X, etc.

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