Mac – How to get SVN to recognize Mac Bundles as ASCII instead of Binary Streams


I have a keynote file in which I am regularly editing the text, moving slides around, etc. There are a max of a few kilobytes of data changed in the internal .key XML file. However, SVN recognizes this as a bundle and checks in the entire .3gb "file" with each change (I have a lot of high-res videos.) This is clearly not ideal. Is there any way to get SVN to recognize bundles as directories?

A similar answer for Git would be appreciated as well.

Best Answer

Up to Keynote' 06 the .keynote file was actually a folder 1 like you mentioned. However, later the .key format is used and this is a zip file. 2

ZIP files are not a good format to be diffed, but you can add unzip as a diff handler in git.

You can also save the presentation in the old .keynote format. If svn still thinks the file is binary, you can use svn add --no-auto-props or svn propdel svn:mime-type. Files with no mime-type are treated as text files by subversion. 3

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