Mac – How to get a mouse middle click event on a Macintosh

macbook-airmouseosx lionscreen-sharing

I am using a MacBook Air running OS X 10.7 (Lion) with Screen Sharing application to view the display of a Linux box running Emacs. I need a mouse middle click. How can I generate a mouse-middle click event from the Macintosh without an external mouse?

Best Answer

This question is similar to one previously posted where Kevin Y suggested BetterTouchTool. I found this to work better than MiddleClick.

Unfortunately the effect of setting a trackpad event to "Middleclick" has drastically different effects depending on the OS and program. because "Middleclick" has no function in OSX if you want to use it natively, I suggest a seperate or similar event to a keyboard shortcut such as ⌘C, or ctrl-C for general use in a Linux environment.

That being said, setting a trackpad event to "Middleclick" works as expected in Emacs.