Mac – How to: Emacs and FTP


Can someone advise me as to how to get FTP working in emacs? It doesn't have to be SFTP, etc, just plain old FTP. I've tried multiple times, and never could get it working. I think the closest I got one time was having an FTP prompt in emacs, but It wouldn't list any dirs. The only think tying me to an IDE is the remote directory tree on the left. If I could just somehow list, get, edit, and put (preferably as soon as I hit save, automagically) files /inside/ of emacs, without having to use Filezilla / FireFTP / etc, then I'd be super happy!

tl;dr; Enable FTP browsing, etc, in emacs?

Best Answer

Ange-ftp will do ftp/sftp for you... look here:

(Use Tramp too, which wraps Ange-ftp)

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