Mac – How to connect two Dual-link-DVI displays to a Thunderbolt MacBook Pro

dvimacbook promini-displayportthunderbolt

I want to connect two 2560×1440 displays to a summer 2012 MacBook Pro Retina (MBP from now on). The best way to do it would be to buy two Apple thunderbolt displays, which would connect

Display2 ← Thunderbolt ← Display1 ← Thunderbolt ← MacBookPro

Unfortunately, those displays are too expensive, and I want to get two of the same 2560×1440 IPS displays by a cheaper maker, for 1/3 price, as described here:
CodingHorror: The IPS LCD Revolution

These displays connect over Dual-Link-DVI. The latest MBP has two Thunderbolt ports which should act as Mini-DisplayPorts, and I could theoretically just buy two Mini-DisplayPort → Dual-link-DVI adapters from Apple.

This adapter also uses a USB port. Apparently it's meant to provide additional power to the MBP in order for the display not to flicker.

  • Is this really necessary? The Apple product questions (>100 of them) have a single answer that touches on this and it says it "may be needed"? Is it necessary only when the MBP is on battery, or even when it's plugged in?

  • Why would a display's digital signal be using so much power? This MBP has two Thunderbolt ports.

Given all that:

  • Is it possible to add a display (using an adapter) to each of the two Thunderbolt ports for a total of 3 displays (1 internal, 2 externals)? Some video cards only support two displays, even though they have more ports.

  • Or is there a Thunderbolt → Dual Dual-Link DVI adapter of any kind? If I were to purchase Apple's Thunderbolt displays I could just connect everything over a single Thunderbolt port.

Best Answer

So, I've finally received my MBP and the Dual-link-DVI to Mini DisplayPort adapter (simply adapter from now on).

The Korean monitor has been more than worth it, it works superbly absolutely great over the digital link.

The adapter doesn't work at all if you don't plug the USB connector in also. If you plug it in, connect the display, then remove the USB plug, it will stop working instantly. So apparently that USB plug is 100% needed.

I happened to have a VGA to Mini DisplayPort adapter lying around, so I've connected a second external display on the second Thunderbolt port. Everything works fine, my MBP now has 3 displays. I plan to replace this with a HDMI cable, since the MBP also has a HDMI port, it should work.

@Hennes commented on my question above, his answer has been very helpful.

Apparently the adapter is an active component, and it needs to be powered. It draws that power from the MBP's USB plug. To avoid losing a USB port on the MBP, the adapter provides another USB port on the other end, where you can connect whichever device was using the USB port. It seems that the adapter piggybacks on the USB port's power line, while just forwarding the others.

I wander if you could plug two of these adapters one into the other's USB port, and both in each thunderbolt port.

Anyway, the setup works great, but it's a LOT of wires to plug in.

If I were to just buy two of Apple's thunderbolt displays, I would only ever have one thunderbolt cable to connect, and the monitors would act as USB hubs too. But that's $2000 compared to $500.

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