Mac – How to connect 2 virtual hosts running on the same machine

microsoft-virtual-pcnetworkingvirtual machinevmware-player

I have 2 virtual hosts running on my Windows XP laptop. One is Ubuntu running inside vmware player. The other is MS virtual PC (so I can test with IE6 ). The Ubuntu virtual host is running my web application with apache. I can point my browser on my laptop at the Ubuntu IP and view my web app. I read this post and was able to get my Virtual PC to ping my physical machine using the loopback adapter. But I'm stuck on getting my Virtual PC to see my web application running in the Ubuntu vmware player host. I appreciate any suggestions.

Best Answer

I think there are two ways to do this:

  1. Make sure both VM instances use NAT as the networking connection and make sure doesn't block
  2. Open the VPC image in VMWare player and set both to use HOST only - the VMs will see each other and the HOST but not see outside of your machine.

I would choose option 2 only because when testing I prefer to have my VMs and websites isolated from the rest of the world. If you choose NAT then the VMs can access outside your HOST (machine running the VMs) if your HOST has internet/network access.

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