Mac – Emacs open files from a filename list


I have a largish tex project that is separated into several tex files. Everytime I want to work on it I open emacs and manually C-x C-f all the files that I want to work on.

I was wondering if there is a way to open files (from command line) from a file containing a list of filenames, something like


file1.tex file2.tex file3.tex

then do

cat files | emacs -nw

except that emacs doesn't support the command used as it doesn't like that stdin is reassigned.

any ideas?

Best Answer

Pass it through xargs instead:

cat files | xargs emacs

xargs takes text from stdin and passes it as arguments to the program specified. Piping the files file into is causes it to call emacs something like:

emacs file1.tex file2.tex file3.tex
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