Mac always warns “You can’t undo this action” and skips the Trash when deleting a file


I repaired the permissions on my iMac and am now getting this dialog box whenever I delete something. I checked Finder > Preferences and "Empty Trash Securely" and "Show Warning" are both unchecked. When I delete a file I get a confirmation box and once I confirm, the file is deleted completely, skipping the Trash:

Are you sure you want to delete "filename"?
This item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action.

Any way to have it move items to the Trash, the default way?

EDIT: Here's the screenshot of the dialog.
Dialog: Are you sure you want to delete "..."? This item will be deleted immediately. You can't undo this action.

This came up when I created an empty folder on my Desktop and chose "Move to Trash".

Best Answer

It is what will always happen on any drive that the Finder cannot create a .trash folder. This is the same with written CDs, read-only USBs, most network shares (if you write to the root folder, it'll make a trash folder).

As it is happening on your own hard drive, it may be that you no longer own the Trash folder. This command will make your user account take ownership of it.

'sudo chown youruser ~/.Trash'

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