Windows – MAC address spoofing in Windows 7 – 00 as first two digits

mac addresswindows 7wireless-networking

I've followed this guide on MAC address spoofing.

I'm trying to change the MAC address for my wireless adapter. I seem to be able to change it when doing the registry edit, but only if the second digit is something other than 0 (I think it has to be 2). I've tried in the device manager, from SMAC, and from the registry, and I can't seem to set the first two digits to 00 (it just reverts to the initial MAC address).

Is there any way around this, or am I out of luck? Is this a Windows 7 restriction, or is it the firmware on the wireless adapter that doesn't seem to work? I've also followed the instructions on that page to try and change it in Ubuntu as well, but didn't seem to have any luck there either.

Any ideas?

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