Lync 2013 Does Not Maintain IM Window Size Or Position


I am using Windows 7 64-bit and I just upgraded from Lync 2010 to Lync 2013.

In Lync 2010, after you closed an IM, the next IM opened would be the previous IM's size and position. From my experience so far, this is not the case with Lync 2013.

How do I make Lync 2013 save the IM window size and position?

Details that may or may not make a difference:

  1. I have a dual monitor setup and my Lync windows are typically on my 2nd monitor.

  2. With respect to position and size, I usually drag the IM to the top right corner of my 2nd monitor and then resize the bottom of the window by dragging it down and snapping it to the bottom of the monitor.

Best Answer

We just switched to Lync 2013 at my company and I ran into this issue. I coded a very quick, very basic workaround in AutoHotKey. It will resize (but not move) your chat windows. Recall that this particular bug in Lync 2013 will remember your window position, but not window size.

The default window size is 430x430; this resizes the window to a much roomier 850x600. Feel free to change the size in the script to suit your liking. It only changes the size the first time the window appears. If you proceed to resize the window, the script will not resize the window, nor will it remember the window size after you close it. It will only set the window size the first time the window appears.

If you're unsure how to use AutoHotKey, check their awesome manual.


SetTimer, FixLyncWindow, 500

    IfWinExist, ahk_class LyncConversationWindowClass
        ; First, get the HWND of the window. 
        ; Exit the loop if we have already resized it.

        WinGet, currID, ID
        IfNotExist, c:\temp\%currID%.txt
            ; If we're here, we haven't acted on the window, 
            ; or no HWND file list exists,
            ; which also means we haven't acted on the window.
            ; So, it's finally time to act on the window.

            WinMove, ahk_id %currID%,,,, 850, 600

            ; Now, we add the HWND to the file so we know we've 
            ; already resized that window and we don't continue 
            ; resizing the window every half-second.

            IfNotExist, c:\temp
                FileCreateDir, c:\temp          
            FileAppend,, c:\temp\%currID%.txt

    ; Now, let's check the file directory to see if any of these 
    ; windows don't exist.  If they do not, we can delete the file.

    FileList = 
    test1 =
    Loop, c:\temp\*.*
        SplitPath, A_LoopFileName,,,, myName
        FileList = %FileList%`,%myName%

    Loop, parse, FileList, `,
        If ( "%A_LoopField%" = "" )

        IfWinNotExist, ahk_id %A_LoopField%
            FileDelete, c:\temp\%A_LoopField%.txt
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