Low quality playback in XBMC


I have VLC on my pc which I used to use for watching shows, but I've recently switched to using XBMC so I can stream things/control my pc from my phone, but I've noticed that XBMC has a much lower quality of video playback compared to VLC (MKV's and MP4's). Can anyone thing why this could be?

Windows Media Player/XBMC




I'm not sure how well you can tell on the pictures but on WMP/XBMC, the edges are a lot blurrier and less near, and the colours look blockier.

XBMC Video output

enter image description here

Best Answer

This is caused by video driver settings. You must disable "edge enhancement" feature in your video card preferences. I've attached below screenshots for NVIDIA and ATI video cards, taken from preferences window where you can disable this feature. Set your preferences as visible on pictures.

ATI video preferences:

ATI video preferences

NVIDIA video preferences:

NVIDIA video preferences

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