Lotus Notes won’t open a hyperlink/uri in a browser!


I'm still new to Lotus, but I have LN 8.0.2, and have it set up to open hyperlinks "using the browser i have set as the default for this operating system" which in my case is Firefox 3.6.13. If I try to select "use the browser embedded in this client" then it just forgets it after I click save (ie if i go back into preferences it's reset to the default for this operating system option) Windows XP SP 3.

Whenever I click on a link in an email…memo… then it does nothing and flashes an underscore underneath it. It's so basic and so annoying there must be something I'm missing.

Any help please!

Best Answer

We have experienced this at our company, and the fix is kind of annoying.

Easy Solution, (if your lucky.) Go back into IE, and make it default browser, reboot, go back into FF and make it your default, and reboot. Notes should then get what it needs from the OS.

The annoying solution: Uninstall FF, reinstall IE and let it make IE the default, then reinstall FF and make it default.

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