Lossless PNG to video in Imagemagick


As an intermediate step in creating an animation, I need to put a bunch of sequential PNGs into a movie file. I tried ffmpeg but was getting compression and artifacting even when I set quality to maximum.

Because this clip will be used in ANOTHER clip, I'd very much rather not compress it twice.

So I'm looking at Imagemagick to get a lossless PNG to Video conversion but am having trouble finding an equivalent command line call.

Any help?

Best Answer

As you haven't given the command line you used we can only guess, but this ffmpeg command will generate a lossless video clip from files named frame00.png, frame01.png, frame02.png, etc.

ffmpeg -i frame%02d.png -codec png out.mov

The resulting video should work as input to at least ffmpeg, mplayer and VLC.

Adjust the framerate using an -r option before the -i.

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