Locking down SFTP user in cygwin


I set up a user to ssh to Windows Server 2008 R2.

I was able to change de default directory.

The only piece I could not figure out is how to restrict user to just that directory.

In other word I don't want the user to be able to change directory.

Please advise.


This is where I stand:

  • Cygwin Installed
  • User (James) created in windows
  • Group (SftpUser) created in windows
  • SftpUser is not showing in /etc/passwd
  • instead there is some None group which James is a member of
  • I can login with my user
  • cygdrive and dev directory are listed ( I do not want this)
  • cygdrive is empty

Here is the scenario

I want James of sftpUser group to be restricted to its upload folder.
The path is on an external drive:


in cygwin


I dont mind having the restriction on


And then mount the directory in the home path but it seems cygwin is not bundled with samba.


Match user james
    ChrootDirectory /home/james/upload/
    ForceCommand internal-sftp

Best Answer

I setup the SFTP over cygwin recently and I realised that we cannot hide the following directories:

  • /cygdrive
  • /dev

As you may be aware that the /path/to/sftp has to be root-owned that are not writeable by any other user or group, you need to update the user id in /etc/passwd to 0 because there is no root concept in Windows.

If you jail the user to non-cygdrive (e.g. /sftp), you will only see /cygdrive (nothing will be appeared under /cygdrive).

If you jail the user to cygdrive (e.g. /cygdrive/d/.../sftp), you will see /cygdrive/d. However, you cannot change to any parent directory if you set it up correctly.

Hope the above information helps!

Please check the following things:

  1. Make sure the user id of the the current user logging in (james in your example) in /etc/passwd is zero. It is because cygwin will change the user of all the directories under root as the current user logging in. Please run the ls -l / command to verify.
  2. Make sure /home, /home/james, /home/james/upload is the current user owned (i.e. equivalent to root-owned with user id 0).
  3. Make sure /etc/sshd_config contains:

    Match user james
    ChrootDirectory /home/james/upload/
    ForceCommand internal-sftp
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