Localhost not recognized in windows 7 machine


I have IIS installed on my windows 7 machine.

But when I try to browse the localhost I am getting 404.

I tried to put netstat and I see

 Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State 
 TCP           ABCHOME:49466        TIME_WAIT
 TCP           ABCHOME:49468        TIME_WAIT

ABCHOME is the computer name. Any idea how to find what is that foreign address and how can I stop listening to port 80?

I tried uninstall and reinstall the IIS but no luck.

Thanks for your help.

EDIT: I already have the following entry in host file localhost

Best Answer

The fact that you get a 404 error (rather than no reponse at all) means that you have a webserver running on your computer. Probably not a complete one, but one that at least follows the rules of HTTP.

Skype is a common offender, but there could be others as well.

To see which program is listening, type

netstat -nab

You have to be running cmd with administrative privileges for it to work.