Firefox – Listing all Firefox keywords at the same time


This thread, Search keyword conflict in firefox, illustrates how it possible to see what keywords your bookmarks have in Firefox. However, when you select Bookmarks > Show all bookmarks and add the keyword column, you can only see the a sub selection of bookmarks at a time. I want to see every single bookmark at the same time? How do I do this?

Best Answer


I have discovered a trick! When you search within the Firefox Bookmarks Library, it will return a list of bookmarks that contain your sequence of characters in any of their fields. 99% percent* of bookmarks will contain a period in their location. If you search using ., it should list all of your bookmarks. If not, the space character seems to function as a wildcard.

After, you've listed all the bookmarks, click the Keyword tab to sort. :)


*I have a few bookmarks simply mapped to host names on my network.


Alternatively, you could export your bookmarks to HTML, and write a little program which scans the file, collecting keyword and bookmark pairings which are then sorted before printing the result. I was going to do this, until I played around with the search...