Linux – Windows/Linux dualboot: Windows asks for bitlocker recovery key every boot after reinstalling Linux


I had a working dual-boot with Windows 10, bitlocker encrypted, and Fedora 23, LUKS encrypted. When I turned it on I got the GRUB2 menu, and could boot Linux or Windows. Both OSes worked fine. Both OSes were installed in UEFI mode.

Fedora 23 reached end of support life (and I had some annoying issues). I installed Fedora 25, erasing F23. After reinstall, FC25 works fine, but Windows asks for the Bitlocker recovery key on every boot. When I enter the key, Windows boots normally and works fine.

I've tried the "suspend bitlocker protection/resume protection" trick multiple times. It does not cause the new bitlocker hash/sig/whatever to be saved.

Googling gives me mostly information about grub2-install overwriting the MBR causing Bitlocker to balk, but I thought UEFI booting doesn't use the MBR? I can't figure out what advice applies to my situation or not — do I need to restore the windows MBR even though I'm using UEFI boot, or would that break things even more? Both OSes are installed in UEFI mode.

To summarise: how can I make Bitlocker work without needing a recovery key on every boot?

Best Answer

The problem may have come from the fact that you may have installed Fedora while Bitlocker is enabled. When you install an OS while it is enabled, problems to boot will always come; in this case, just entering the recovery key is pretty lucky for you. I would suggest making a copy of all your files on both (to save them), disable Bitlocker completely, and format the whole drive, then reinstall both OSes as @Wesley King said

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