Linux – Windows 7 can’t ping a Linux server via its hostname (IP address works, virtual Linux machine works)

dnslinuxnetworkingwindows 7

I'm trying to set up a home Linux server (running Arch Linux ARM on a Raspberry Pi), and I can't seem to get my Windows desktop machine to recognize it via hostname (in this case "whitey"). I have it set to a static IP address in my router (at, and (in theory), my router is functioning as a DNS server. When running "ping whitey" on Windows, I get

Ping request could not find host whitey. Please check the name and try again.

However "ping" works. What's curious is that both my Linux laptop and, curiously, a Linux virtual machine running on the Windows PC can find my server (using "ping whitey"). This leads me to believe that the issue lies on the Windows side, and not with the router or the server.

Any ideas?

I've tried

ipconfig /flushdns

as well as manually setting my router as the DNS server for IPv4 addresses.

Best Answer

Windows uses DNS to resolve FQDN names - for example.

In your case, whitey is the NetBIOS name and DNS have no (and shouldn't have) knowledge of it.

I'm not a Linux expert, but as far as I know your Linux server needs Samba in order to be able to broadcast its NetBIOS name across Windows machines.

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