Linux – Will any (recent) Linux terminal emulator allow me to save the session (tabs, history, etc)


Over time, I become invested in my terminal sessions: tabs, command history, window layout and title, etc. Eventually, a reboot requires me to start all over again which wastes my time.

The two terminal emulators with which I'm familiar had at least partial capability here, but the functionality has since been removed:
konsole lost this functionality somewhere along the way to KDE4.
gnome-terminal lost the –save-config option as "obsolete" somewhere before version 3.10.2, i.e. the answer here no longer applies:
Save multiple gnome-terminal layout?

I want to capture the current state of all terminal sessions and restore them after a reboot. A scripted solution would be fine, so long as it does not require manual updates to track session changes.

Best Answer

this isn't exactly what you asked for but tmux has such capabilities.

Just make sure to install the tmux-resurrect plugin along with it, which allows for restoring the tmux environment (windows, splits, and certain running programs) after a restart.

On the bright side, tmux will work with all

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