Linux – Why does trying to use “mdir” give me “Can’t open /dev/fd0: No such file or directory”


Every time I try to use the "mdir" command on Ubuntu 9.10, I get this message:

Can't open /dev/fd0: No such file or directory
Cannot initialize 'A:'

Any idea what it means, and how to fix it?

I am trying to mount a directory, as in these instructions (see Klaus Rennecke's answer).

To sum it up into commands:

Prequesites: sudo apt-get install fuse-utils sshfs

Mount dir: mdir ~/

Mounting: sshfs ~/ -o idmap=user,workaround=rename

Run update: cd ~/; bzr update

Best Answer

Update: Your instructions have a typo; it's telling you to make a directory, so you should run mkdir instead of mdir.

"mdir" is an old tool for accessing DOS-formatted floppy disks without mounting the floppy. You probably don't want that. (It's part of the mtools package, which you are probably safe in uninstalling.)

Are you trying to

  • make a directory? Use mkdir

  • remove a directory? Use rmdir

  • move a directory? Use mv