Linux – Why does ps aux displays a number instead of a username


Running ps aux just gave me the following output:

www-data 26254  0.0  0.7  27304  3544 ?        S    15:07   0:00 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
1001     25807  0.8  0.8  48444  4332 ?        Sl   Sep03 1330:24 ./ts3server_linux_x86

www-data is the apach2 user. That's okay, it's what I expected with -u, but what is 1001?

Best Answer

It means that user id is 1001 but that id has no name assigned. This can happen for example a command running in a chroot with a user defined in that chroot will not necessarily have a name assigned outside the chroot.

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