Linux – Why do you need execute permission on the parent directory to rename a file


On Linux/Unix file-systems, I understand the reason why you need the execute permission on the parent folder to read or write a file: the execute permission gives you access to the inode on the file, and without that, you can never reach the content of the file.

However for renaming a file (actually, even deleting), you just need to change the name of the file in the list, which shouldn't require to have access to the inode. So why is the execute bit required for renaming a file, write permissions should be enough?

This doesn't seem symetric with read access: with r-- permissions, you can do ls on the directory and access the list of filenames in that directory. You don't need execute because you are not accessing the inodes. Similarly, with -w-, you should be able to change the list of filenames (you don't need to access the inodes either), but you can't, why?

Best Answer

The meaning of execute permission for a directory is the ability to look up file names inside that directory. Of course, successfully looking up a file name produces a reference to an inode number, but the execute permission has nothing to do with inodes per se.

Without execute permission on the directory, you can't stat, open, rename, delete, or descend into subdirectories inside that directory. The only thing you can do is see the list of which filenames exist, and then only if you have read permission (and read but not execute is a strange set of permissions to have for a directory).

Consider if you have rw- on a directory. You know that filename foo exists inside this directory. In order to delete it you need to look it up, and you even need access to the inode (to decrement its link count). For that matter, you need access to the inode in order to tell if it's a directory or not (because if it's a directory, unlink should fail and rmdir should succeed, and the reverse if it's not a directory). But you can't look it up.

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