Linux – Which directory does path `//` represent in Linux

bashcommand linelinuxpromptshell

When I want to go back to upper level directory in Linux by typing cd .., I typo-ed cd //. To my great surprise, no errors are reported. What's more the prompt becomes username@hostname://$. ls indicates that I'm now at root directory.

Is this a bug or a feature of the shell? If a feature, is // an alias of /? My shell is GNU bash, version 4.1.5(1)-release (i686-linux-gnu).

Thanks and best regards.

Best Answer

It can be considered either.

In Linux, // means nothing – multiple consecutive slashes get collapsed to one, anywhere in the path, including the beginning. Changing directory to // puts you in /, as running readlink /proc/self/cwd would tell; likewise, /usr//local///bin is collapsed to /usr/local/bin.

However, some other Unix-like systems, for example Cygwin or the old Apollo Domain/OS, use the // prefix for network paths such as //fileserver/path/to/data. POSIX allows this as well.

For various reasons, the bash shell tracks the current directory on its own (in addition to the OS-provided tracking) and it has code in it that prevents the initial // from being collapsed, to remain compatible with such systems. The "feature" is that bash provides more intuitive tracking of current directory, for example, when cd'ing into a symlink, bash will show you the path you expect, even though the kernel thinks otherwise. The "bug" is that bash permits // even on systems that do not use it.

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