Linux – VMware Tools installed but not working on Kali Linux


I've successfully installed VMwareTools-10.0.5-3228253.tar.gz on Kali Linux rolling release 2016.1.

  1. I extracted it onto the desktop in a new folder

  2. I opened the folder

  3. I opened terminal in that folder and wrote:

    1. I followed the installation steps until it finished

    2. It told me that the tools installed successfully

    3. I restarted the VM

After I had restarted the VM, I found that VMware Tools didn't work. I am now unable to copy/paste anything between my Windows 10 host and my Kali Linux guest on VMware Workstation 12.

How can I fix this?

Best Answer

In Kali Linux 2016 you have to install open-vm-tools instead of vmware-guest-tools.

To have drag and drop, copy and paste and screen resolution working correctly you need to follow these steps:

  1. Add the Kali 2016 repositories to /etc/apt/sources.list:

    deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib
  2. Run these commands:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install open-vm-tools-desktop fuse
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