Linux – Vim execute bash commands/make in the same window


When i try to run some commands like :make or :!ls , it shows the output in an altogether different screen/view and the file i am editing is not visible during this process.
Is there anyway i can still see my file and edit, while the command that i executed can probably run in a window at the bottom, probably the quick fix window?

Best Answer

If you are using vim 8 or neovim, maybe you would like to try : ,

Nice replacement to vim-dispatch with much better user experience.

enter image description here

  • Easy to use, just start your background command by :AsyncRun (just like old "!" cmd).

  • Command is done in the background, no need to wait for the entire process to finish.

  • Output are displayed in the quickfix window, errors are matched with errorformat.

  • You can explore the error output immediately or keep working in vim while executing.

  • Ring the bell or play a sound to notify you job finished while you're focusing on editing.
  • Provide corresponding user experience in vim, neovim, gvim and macvim.
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