Linux – Using keyboard shorcuts with the windows key in Linux Mint Mate

keyboard shortcutslinuxlinux-mint

I'm using Linux Mint 15. I'm using the keyboard shortcut "Super_L" to open the Mint menu of the Mate desktop.

Now I want to use for example the shortcut "Super_L+1" to open a terminal window. I went to Menu->Control Center->Keyboard Shortcuts and assigned the proper key combination to "Open a terminal window". It shows up as "Mod4+1".

Having done that, pressing "Super_L+1" has this strange behavior:
1st press: opens mint menu
2nd press: opens terminal
3rd press: opens mint menu

The shortcut works every other key press which is very annoying. Is there a way to reliably use such shortcuts?

I only found this thread which mentions the same issue but doesn't give a working solution

Best Answer

I don't think you can do that. What I've done is mapped the Menu key (the one that opens context menus) to open the Mint menu. I don't use that key anyways, and you can always use Shift + F10 to get the same effect.

Then I was able to map key shortcuts with the Windows (Super) key without a problem.