Linux – Using iptables to redirect traffic to a dynamic DNS name instead of an IP address


I have a Debian server with a static IP address. I want to set it up so that if I connect to this server using a specific port, it will redirect that traffic to my home network.

I've got that working using iptables like so:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport [port] -j DNAT --to [home-ip]:[port]
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -d [home-ip] -j MASQUERADE

The trouble is, my home network has a dynamic IP. As soon as it changes (which happens frequently enough) this will stop working.

However, I have a dynamic DNS name set up for my home IP address.

Is there anyway to use iptables so that it will always redirect this traffic to the IP that my dynamic DNS name resolves to?

Best Answer

IPTables does not support on-the-fly DNS resolution, because it involves security, performance and implementation issues.

If someone was able to modify DNS records for your domain, it would affect IPTables rules.

If IPTables did a DNS lookup on every incoming packet or even connection initiation packet, it would be really slow.

Also, if there are multiple A records for a domain name, which one would IPTables use?

To accomplish what you are looking for, you would need to implement a system where the host running IPTables would periodically check what is the IP address for your dynamic host name, and then change its rules accordingly.

Another alternative would be to have a software on your computer on your home network, which monitors current public IP address, and then sends it to your IPTables server, which reconfigures the IPTables.

I don't know any particular software that could do this for you.

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