Linux – Tooltips of GTK applications are unreadable within KDE


My system is openSUSE 42.1 with Plasma 5.

I have some GTK applications installed as well, and I'm experiencing a rather annoying behaviour from them.

Namely, the tooltips of these apps are almost unreadable, being white text over light grey background, as you can see on the picture

enter image description here

I can't find where and how to change this setting; only non-KDE apps are affected, and not all of them: Gimp, Inkscape, Filezilla are amongst them, while Firefox, Libreoffice, Handbrake display the tooltips in a readable way.

Best Answer

The issue is due to a partial override of GTK colors by means of KDE style.

Open System Settings > Colors, deselect Apply colors to non-Qt applications, restart the GTK application (e.g. Gimp). This breaks the feeling that all applications share the same style but tooltips will be again readable in both Qt and GTK applications.

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