Linux – “The name is too long” when using Wget


I am trying to get a copy of the catalog. I would love to get the "List View" and "Show Object" details. The URL I am trying to wget is:

I get an error: Name is too long, 317 chars total.

Here is my wget command that does not work:

wget --recursive --page-requisites -e robots=off --user-agent=Mozilla --random-wait --convert-links --content-disposition --adjust-extension --default-page=design-and-art-after-1945.html ''

Do anyone have an idea?

Best Answer

I guess, wget tries to create a file named index.php?@#&^@&(@!&)&%@&$%@&#$%)@#&$&%whatever#.

Ext4 filename length limit is 255 chars.

Set the name of the page saved with -O.

wget -O "design-and-art-after-1945.html" ...
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