Linux – Tcp Port Open by Unknown Service


Running openSUSE 11.2 x86_64.

Here's what a nmap of my IP provides:

23/tcp open telnet
80/tcp open http
2800/tcp open unknown
8008/tcp open http

I would like to know how to view what service is causing port 2800 to be opened?

A few search engine results led me to believe that it is supposedly a port opened by a Trojan called "Theef".

If it is indeed a Trojan, what can be done to weed it out? Is my desktop's security compromised?

Best Answer

what do you see after running (as root):

nmap -sV --version-intensity 9 -p 2800 localhost

What makes you think you have a trojan? What have you been doing lately? And why are you running telnet?

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