Linux – Start a systemd user service at boot

arch linuxdaemonsystemd

I am trying to start a systemd service for a specific user (service name/goal is not relevant). I do that because I need to have a per user process of an application running at startup.

Here is what I achieved so far:

But when I reboot the service does not seem to start and there is nothing to be seen in journalctl for said service. But the status said that the service is enabled:

~ $ systemctl –user status transmission-daemon

● custom.service – Custom Daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/user/custom.service;
enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

Active: inactive (dead)

Also I can run it manually with no issue by running

~ $ systemctl –user start custom.service

As anyone any idea what I did wrong?

Best Answer

I dont know if this is your case but i could solve it with the answer of The problem was i had and had to change it to and it worked.

Another thing, i have my service file in ~/.config/systemd/user