Linux – Slack app on Linux: How to disable the “blue circle” icon on channel activity


When at work I want to disable the blue icon notification that happens when there's any activity in a channel that I'm in. Specifically, I don't want this notification from certain slack teams:
enter image description here

Is there a way to "mute an entire slack team" so that I won't get that blue icon notification? Thanks.

Best Answer

I don't seem to have the setting that Shawn mentions, but i was able to make this work by opening up the /usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/src/static directory, making a copy of the slack-taskbar-rest.png file and renaming it to slack-taskbar-unread.png to overwrite the version with the blue dot.

of course, that gets rid of the blue dot for all teams, but that's what i wanted.

Edit (2019-05-28): Idea is still correct, but for the newest Slack version (3.4.2) on Ubuntu, two more files have to be replaced. The following worked for me:

cd /usr/lib/slack/resources/app.asar.unpacked/src/static
sudo cp slack-taskbar-rest.ico slack-taskbar-unread.ico
sudo cp slack-taskbar-rest.png slack-taskbar-unread.png
sudo cp slack-taskbar-rest-linux.png slack-taskbar-unread-linux.png
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