Linux – Set name of Konsole window


How can one set the name of a Konsole window in KDE? I know that we can change the names of the tabs, and the Konsole window title is preconfigured to use the name of the current tab, but this is not what I would like to do.

I have one Konsole window with three tabs that I always keep open (vimwiki, cmus, and a custom Python script) which I would like to be easy to find among my sea of other Konsole windows, each with its own set of tags.

As a workaround name all tabs to the name that I would like for the window, but that has many drawbacks. A simple way to rename the entire window would be best. I could also use a different terminal emulator for this 'special' window, but I really like Konsole.

Best Answer

you can add a bash function at the end of your ~/.bashrc

title() {
  echo $'\033]30;'$*$'\007'

(after saving .bashrc remember to type in the console: . ~/.bashrc to add the function to your shell, or else you can open a new terminal)

You can use the new function like this:

title this is my console
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