Linux – Sed error “sed: -e expression #1, char [#]: extra characters after command”

command linelinuxsed

sed '/\r$/ {N s/\n//}'
sed: -e expression #1, char 10: extra characters after command

I want to understand what is wrong with my command line.
When I can do the some of following in a script but not in a command line.

I have been working through the tutorial at When I got stuck at the section
Working with Multiple Lines. These script works fine.

sed '
# look for a "#" at the end of the line
/#$/ {
# Found one - now read in the next line
# delete the "#" and the new line character, 
}' file

In my case I am looking for \r or return ^M.

sed '
# look for a "#" at the end of the line
/\r$/ {
# Found one - now read in the next line
# delete the "#" and the new line character, 
}' file

The problem is when I try to convert it to a single line shell command it gives me an errors.

sed '/\r$/ {N s/\n//}'
sed: -e expression #1, char 10: extra characters after command
sed '/\r$/{N s/\n//}'
sed: -e expression #1, char 9: extra characters after command
sed '/\r$/{Ns/\n//}'
sed: -e expression #1, char 8: extra characters after command

I want to understand what is wrong with my command line.
When I can do the following in a script but not in a command line.

I have created a sed script to do the work I want.

cat test.sed 
#!/bin/sed -f
/\r$/ {

Best Answer

You need to use a semicolon ; to separate sed commands on the same line. Specifically, between the N and s. No semicolon is needed when there is a newline which is why your script form works.


sed '/\r$/ {N s/\n//}'  


sed '/\r$/ {N; s/\n//}'
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