Linux – rsync on Windows + non-ASCII file names


Is there a version of rsync that runs on current Windows versions and can handle non-ASCII file names? Every version I checked (including cwRsync and client) fail miserably on files with Unicode characters in names.

If such version of rsync does not exist, what other tool might I use for bandwidth-efficient synchronization of files between Windows and Linux?

I'm synchronizing large, rarely changing file trees over a relatively slow link. The difference between the rsync-style synchronization and full-copy approaches is significant.

Best Answer

rsync offers an --iconv option for filename character encoding conversion. It accepts arguments for fine-grained control over source and target encoding.

From the rsync man page:

[...] you can fully specify what conversion to do by giving a 
local and a remote charset separated by a comma in the 
order --iconv=LOCAL,REMOTE, e.g.  --iconv=utf8,iso88591.
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