Linux – Remap Super+arrow key to home/end


A lot of new ultra books are coming without home/end/pageup/pagedown keys. I would like to remap the "windows key (super) + arrow key" to these missing keys.

What is the best way to go about doing this? It seems that xev is reporting pressing the Super key as its own keypress, rather than a modifier to other keys.

Best Answer

How about a combination of xdotool and xbindkeys, with a .xbindkeysrc like:

"xdotool key Next"
  Mod4 + Down

"xdotool key Prior"
  Mod4 + Up

(on my system windows key is bound to Hyper_L = Mod4)

Another (very cool) option if you don't mind using the mouse could be to use gestures. For instance on my netbook the End key is a pain to use (Fn+Pagedown, and hard to reach). I installed easystroke and set it up so i can just make a "V" like gesture and it sends End. For Pagedown, it's a down-up "|" gesture (begins to feel a lot like an iphone!)