Linux – Red Hat Virtual Box: Network is unreachable

linuxnetworkingredhat-enterprise-linuxvirtual machinevirtualbox

I installed a RHEL virtual machine with Virtual Box and I can't ping my host computer nor internet.

I configured 2 adapters:

  1. Attached to NAT, promiscuous allow all and cable connected
  2. Atteched to Bridged Adapter, promiscuous allow all and cable connected

When I run ip addr show, here is the output:

ip addr show output

Thank you.

Best Answer

Thanks to Jaroslav Kucera who said that I should assign an ip to eth0.

I followed this article

I modified /etc/sysconfig/network and /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 for DHCP then reboot.

Now I can ping internet.

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