Linux – Rate limiting bandwidth per IP


First, I am not that good with computer. I even had problem with Windows PC. Right now I own a restaurant which happened to offer free internet. My ISP has my connection setup using a Ubuntu 11.1 box. IP Address is with netmask, dns is and gateway is

My problem is that my customers complains all day about slow network. When I received that kind of complain, the first thing came to my mind is to scout my area and find out who is the culprit, and ask him not to waste our bandwidth.

Now, it is getting bored scouting people around, and I need to implement to my Linux box to limit bandwidth. I don't care if their provider can't be faster, but I want to limit 70kbit for each person. More annoying are people who use flashget and torrents. Usually they consume the biggest bandwidth.

My question, how can I limit that? Please guide me in easy way. I've spent few days reading documentation for tc, but I haven't understood a thing. I am using Ubuntu 11.10

Basically, I want all my customers to get 70kbps each, no matter what.

Best Answer

You need to block things at level 7 of the OSI model. Have a look at this implementation you can install on Linux:

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