Linux – Pipe putty context to client clipboard


Is there a command I can execute like

cat <long file> | clipboard

From within a putty session (connected to linux server) to my windows client?

I know I can select an area in the putty client which is instantly in the windows clipboard,
but this is done by much scrolling with on a larger text.

I am totally aware that a command executed within the putty session is getting executed in the servers context and is not connected with the windows client, but maybe there is a command which putty recognizes to copy the buffer?

Alternatively, what's the best / easiest / fastest way to copy large texts from a session into the client's clipboard?

Best Answer

If you want to copy all the putty output to clipboard, there is a "Copy All To Clipboard" option available in context menu (right-click) from title bar of the putty window.

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