Linux – ping works but iperf3 doesn’t show any traffic for TCP


machine A has IP (eth0:, eth1:
machine B has IP (eth0:

A and B are connected through RJ5 on eth0, both sides.
ping works fine on both side, but when running iperf3 on a client-server mode, it doesn't show any traffic when using TCP.

B started with the following command :

iperf3 -s

A with this :

iperf3 -B192.168.1.1 -c192.168.1.2 -n 10G -b1000M

but no connection. It timesout with 'unable to connect to server'. This happens both for TCP and UDP. iperf works for UDP, but for TCP it doesn't work with -b option. I need iperf3 as I want to test bandwidth with TCP. I am using iperf3-3.*.el6.rpm from epel. Is it broken ?

Best Answer

Do you have packet filtering enabled on machine B? What is the output of iptables -L -v on machine B? What is the output of nmap on machine A?

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