Linux – msysgit’s ssh doesn’t display colors


I'm using Console 2 to launch msysgit's Bash shell in Windows. When I ssh to a server (either a SLES or RHLE server) and do an ls or use vi I don't get any colors. However, the colors DO work correctly if I use PuTTY. I haven't done any color customizations in Console 2, Bash, or PuTTY, and the colors on the servers (to my knowledge) haven't been changed at all.

After reading iTerm2 loses “ls” colors if I ssh to a server I tried ls --color=always and that does display some colors, but not all of them. It shows executable and folder colors (green and blue, respectively, in my case) but not zip files (should be red in my case). Again, PuTTY displays these correctly.

Aliasing a bunch of commands where I want color isn't a workable solution for me because I regularly access dozens of different servers and that interacts with the way other admins are using those servers.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

I believe you are looking for the LS_COLORS environment variable. This article has a nice write-up:

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