Linux – Mounting a CDROM in Ubuntu


I'm using a software that needs to read data from a cdrom. The instructions say to
mount the cdrom (mount /mnt/cdrom). I understand that I need to mount the cdrom to /mnt/cdrom.

I created a folder "cdrom" under "mnt". Then I tried to mount the cdrom by typing:

sudo mount /media/ /mnt/cdrom/

This didn't work. Under "media" I have another folder with the actual cd content so I
tried to mount it too, but again with no success. I keep getting an error that "media is not a block device".

What I am doing wrong?

Best Answer

mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom

You need to use the cd-rom's block device to mount. It's most commonly sr0 on modern distributions.

But if your CD is already mounted to media automatically, you don't need to do this. You just need to point the program to the contents of the CD in /media.

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