Linux – mount point-permission denied !


I created a fuse mountpoint. After mounting, the file permissions are all screwed up and it says I cannot ls or cd. Permission denied.

The file permissions look like this: d????????? ? ? ? ? ? temp

and when i list the mounted devices I get: /dev/fuse on /temp type fuse (rw,nosuid,nodev)

I used mono-fuse. I just created a new folder with permissions 777 and then did a mount. After unmounting I can do all operations, but when I mount, I get such error.

I used HelloFS.exe that comes along with mono fuse for testing. Can someone shed some light on this weird behavior and what mistake ive done. Thank you !!


Best Answer

My best guess is that you're trying to access another user's fusermount (or sudoing your own) and, because fuse is (usually) single-user, you're having issues.


  • Make sure that you own the fusermount
  • Use the allow_other or allow_root option (or alternative)
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