Linux – Modify fstab entry so all users can Read and Write to an EXT4 Volume


I have an Ubuntu 10.04 box with an EXT4 partition. This partition is set to automatically mount in /etc/fstab. For the purposes of this post, we'll call it: /media/foo.

Unfortunately, only root can create/delete files/directories on the root filesystem of foo. For other users to perform file/io on this volume, root needs to create a directory and chmod the permissions to others.

I would like to mount the volume such that anybody would be able to read/write to the volume without the need of root to chmod.

Below is my fstab entry:

/dev/sda8    /media/foo    ext4    rw,user,exec 0 0

The entry originally had defaults instead of rw,user,exec. I added the additional entries, namely, rw so any user can read/write.

Unfortunately, the fstab entry does not work. It mounts fine, but it still requires root to intervene.

And, just in case anybody asks, simply running: chmod -R 777 * on /media/foo as root does not work.

Best Answer

The mount option user only allows the filesystem to be mounted by any user. The rw option makes the filesystem not readonly. You will have to use permissions to make the parent directory writeable.

chmod 777 /media/foo

The chmod command you show only affects the existing files within /media/foo.

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