Linux – Making Google Chrome 35 work on CentOS 6.5


I am trying to install Google Chrome 35 on my CentOS 6.5 . After googleing for few hours I found that Google has decided not to support EL 6 release anymore. Due to which I get following error.

Error: Package: google-chrome-stable-35.0.1916.153-1.x86_64 (google-chrome)

As default comes with OS and the latest being gcc 4.9 and I downloaded latest gcc source to build. It was built successfully and I tested the out put. but

gcc –version

returns 4.4.7. I checked my install directory which i set while doing configure was /usr/bin/gcc49/bin/gcc . when I ran same command here it was showing 4.9. I suppose this means that libstdc++ latest version is also complied and built as part of the process.

My problem now is after getting latest build of gcc google chrome still points to old version. is there a simple way to point rpm dependency checker to point to specific directory to install.


Best Answer

Did you try this?

This worked for me. This links shows how to fix the problem installing Chrome in CentOS. You just need to download a script written by someone which will install all dependencies with chrome on CentOS.


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